2011 Pictures from Peru, Round 2

Jesucristo is always watching
Bay at Ilo

Where all the yummy avocados and cherimoyas grow!


  1. Mmm, avocado fields. I love your pictures! I'm sure it helps that the landscape is incredible, but you're a pretty darn good photographer too!

  2. I have to give credit to my father, who knows a lot about photography. And my good friend Ryan, who takes very pretty photos and I have to make him proud.

  3. Haha you make me more than proud...more like envious. Peru looks amazing! Beautiful bays and oceans, rustic villages, and avocados? Heck, I might move there myself. I would do anything for some avocados right now...

  4. I don't even EAT avocados, and I am still jealous of your adventures.


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2011 Pictures from Peru